Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wapack Trail through Windblown

A dull photo except for one detail: no footprints. I got to make the day's first trip on this section of the Wapack.

The Wapack Trail in New Ipswich was rerouted a few months ago out of respect for a landowner's wishes, so no more views of Boston from little Stony Top. The Jenks family, owners of Windblown cross-country ski area, graciously worked with the Friends of the Wapack on a re-route through their property so that there's no break in the 21-mile trail.
Windblown has done good business since the blizzard a few days ago. Our area got less snow than forecast, but 10" was still enough reason to get the trails groomed. I could hardly wait to bring my husband & my snowshoes out there. Skiers far outnumbered snowshoers today, and the farther I got from the lodge, the less company I had. Not surprisingly, the best conditions as far as I was concerned came once the Wapack Trail left the maintained ski trails. Out there, I didn't have to worry about staying out of the skiers' set tracks, and I could plod along through the powder to my heart's content.

Note that when there's snow, Windblown charges a trail fee, which for snowshoers is a mere $10. (Skiers are charged $17.) Snowshoe & ski rentals are available there. No bareboot hiking in the snow. There's a base lodge for refreshments and warming-up.

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